Unlock the interchain with Vaults: secure your ATOM, stATOM, stkATOM, stTIA, and stOSMO - mint IST, and tap into the $10B+ market.
Inter Protocol’s Vaults let you mint IST against the value of your IBC assets (like ATOM, stTIA, stATOM and more) to unlock liquidity. IST minters actively manage their positions to avoid liquidations if their asset value falls. Anyone can participate in bidding on liquidation auctions to profit from auctioned collateral. For existing IST holders, this means a more diversified decentralized backing for the token, more supply, and deeper Cosmos DeFi integrations. For BLD stakers, Vaults earn fees which grow the Inter Protocol asset reserve.
Deposit ATOM and mint IST in any amount subject to the minimum minting limits and minimum collateralization threshold. The assets in your vault can be withdrawn in whole or in part as you pay back some or all of the IST you minted.
Adjust your Vaults in any combination of minting / returning IST or depositing / withdrawing collateral however you wish, to keep the Vault comfortably above the minimum collateralization ratio.
Repay any outstanding debt and reclaim your initial collateral!
Dive into the key components powering Vaults.