
Unlock the interchain with Vaults: secure your ATOM, stATOM, stkATOM, stTIA, and stOSMO - mint IST, and tap into the $10B+ market.

Inter Protocol’s Vaults let you mint IST against the value of your IBC assets (like ATOM, stTIA, stATOM and more) to unlock liquidity. IST minters actively manage their positions to avoid liquidations if their asset value falls. Anyone can participate in bidding on liquidation auctions to profit from auctioned collateral. For existing IST holders, this means a more diversified decentralized backing for the token, more supply, and deeper Cosmos DeFi integrations. For BLD stakers, Vaults earn fees which grow the Inter Protocol asset reserve.

Open Vault

Deposit ATOM and mint IST in any amount subject to the minimum minting limits and minimum collateralization threshold. The assets in your vault can be withdrawn in whole or in part as you pay back some or all of the IST you minted. 

Open Vault

Manage Vault

Adjust your Vaults in any combination of minting / returning IST or depositing / withdrawing collateral however you wish, to keep the Vault comfortably above the minimum collateralization ratio.

Manage Vault

Close Vault

Repay any outstanding debt and reclaim your initial collateral!

Close Vault

Vaults, Your Way

IST Minter

IST Minter

Vault IST minters can mint IST against their IBC-connected assets’ value, opening up new opportunities for users who need liquidity but don’t want to part with their IBC assets (we wouldn’t either!).
Auction Bidders

Auction Bidders

Bidders on Liquidation Auctions can profit from sold vault collateral that may be offered at below market prices, similar to foreclosure auctions on homes. For now, liquidation bidding is targeted at expert users.
IST Holder

IST Holder

Vaults decentralize the backing of IST and add new minting capabilities which will expand the IST supply. This will lead to more opportunities to use IST across the Cosmos as the IST holder base expands and more integrations of IST occur.
BLD Staker

BLD Staker

IST is the primary gas token of the Agoric economy, and BLD stakers rely on its decentralized nature, liquidity, and supply. Vaults will further decentralize and expand the backing of IST while expanding its use cases. Additionally, Vaults earn fees that are directed to the Inter Protocol Reserve, stabilizing the protocol.

How It Works

Dive into the key components powering Vaults.

Inter Protocol Vaults Diagram

Key Components

Oracle Network
Oracle Network
A decentralized network of Agoric chain validators and experienced Chainlink node operators who are operating a network based on Chainlink software to provide price feeds for Inter Protocol.
Liquidation Auctions
Liquidation Auctions
Vaults require an effective liqudiations system to stay solvent. Inter Protocol's Liquidation Auctions offer a descending clock auction format that allows bids to be placed at any time, at either specific prices or as discounts from the Oracle price at the start of the auction.
The Reserve acts as the central point of accounting for Inter Protocol, tracking debt values, burning IST, and managing protocol revenue and external asset contributions.
The second IST minting mechanism for Inter Protocol, Vaults let you mint IST against the value of your IBC assets (like ATOM) to unlock liquidity.

Get Involved

Vaults and Liquidation Auctions are live. Follow our social and community channels to stay up to date. Head to to open your vault or interact with the PSM today.